
Сообщение от Fillop123 - English

  • The line graph illustrates

    • The line graph illustrates the amount of good (road, water, rail and pipeline) carried in the UK between 1974 and 2002.
    • Units are measured in Million tonnes.
    • Overall, road is the most transported good during the whole given period; beginning with a value of 70 Million tonnes in 1974 and reaching the peak of 100 during the 2002.
    • On the other hand, the least transported good during the entire period was pipeline.
    • It began with only few Million tonnes and it reached the higher value (Around 22) in the 1995.
    • Furthermore, It rose slowly but steadily during all these years without any drops.
    • Regarding water and rail, they started with the same value (40 Million tonnes) during the 1974.
    • After that, Water grew reaching 65 in 2002; while rail hovered around the values of 40.
    • It had some drops in 1985 and 1995.
    • But in the end of the period, it came back to the starting value of 40.

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