
Text from Marie1902 - English

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    • Synthesis Hopper.
    • During all this year, we studied the notion of power.
  • In politics and social science, power is the ability to influence the behavior of people.
    • In order to live together member of a community accept rules, regulations, laws.
    • This helps create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tencion.
  • But we studied a theme which is seldom a source of conflict, our theme is the power of art.
    • In fact, art has been, during a long time the best way to express, to denounce or criticise.
  • We notably studied the power of art with Edward Hopper, who has been a famous American painter and printmaker.
    • He was born in 1882 and died in 1967, and during his 85 years of life; he painted many of works, which are today known as part of the discourse of anti-urbanism.
  • We notably studied 18 works and focus on 2 paintings, Approaching a city (1946) and Nightawks (1942) So, what extent those works contributed to the discourse of anti-urbanism ?
    • In the first place we are going to talk about anti-urbanism then we going to see, how Hopper's works contributed to this discourse ?
  • 1) Definition of anti-urbanism and famous people who contributed in.
    • a) A discourse of fear of the city.
  • - The discourse of the attract for the nature.
  • -Give a negative representation of urban place.
  • → New-York = place for his most famous works.
  • b) An eclectic influence.
  • - Film noir genre ( to his point of view; to the paintings darkness, strangeness).
  • -Valasquez (rural landscape).
  • - Picasso (one of the most known).
  • -Henri David Thoreau ( doc perso ) : main idea's which is Walden : isolation, nature quitness.
  • → transcendentalism ; the apology of the nature doesn't be a litterary theme.
  • 2) How Hopper's paintings contributed to anti-urbanism ?
  • a) Urban landscapes.
  • -Isolation : *never communication, look parallelism ( Nighthawks ).
  • *anonymity (hotel room).
  • -Negative vision : insipid and dark colors ; strainght lines ; geometrical forms and dirty street (Approaching a city).
  • -All of these elements creats several feelings like oppression, emprisonment, isolation, stress by a strict and rigorous technic.
  • b) Rural landscapes.
  • -to make the contrast.
  • -create the feeling of peace with pastel colors.
  • -There is more life (as in Cap cop evening with the dog which plays).
  • -Countryside seems to be quiet.
  • -People want to go to the countryside to escape the city's dangers.
  • To conclude we can say that because of the contrast between urban and rural scenes, we can see this discourse of anti-urbanism.
    • And we can say that the power of art may be a ery good way to denounce urban life.