
Fillop123'den mesaj - English

  • News plays an important part

  • News plays an important part of most people’s lives.
  • Why is news so important to people?
  • Why is so much news dedicated to bad news?
  • Should the news focus on good news instead?
    • News are considered one of the most important aspect of our life as human being.
    • In my opinion it is essential remaining informed on what it is happening around the world, but most of all it is important knowing what is going on in our country.
    • In these, so difficult, days news can be fatal and they can be the key for a change in our perspective.
  • The majority of people see news as a faith to believe.
  • People want to be up-to-date and knowing what is going on around them.
    • They are concerned about all bad news they listen during the day, but at the same time they want to know more and more bad news, thinking that if they know all what is going on they could try to prevent it.
    • Another reason it is about the kind of news.
    • Nowadays in our world too many weird stuffs are happening, stuffs who can not be even imagined.
    • That can be used to newspaper, newscast and so on, to push the news and make them more interesting.
    • Furthermore, blogs invent fake news to make more audience.
    • Bad news are more interesting and people like more seen people who live worse than them.
    • It is probably bad to say, but i think is completely true.
  • Human beings have changed during the years and now we are absorbed in an ethical, moral crisis.
  • In each kind of question, It is always about profit.
  • We are in a world run by money.
    • I think that, more in these days than ever, news have to focus on good things.
  • Media has to share hope, instead of violence.
    • Although, we are in a some kind of economic, politic bad crisis and i am sure that the best way to come out from this situation is just thinking positive and staying strong for just a while even.
  • The night is darkest just before the down.

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