
Tekst fra - English

  • Annual water usage by industries

  • Annual water usage by industries (in millions of cubic metres) The Chart Illustrates the usage of Public Supply and Ground Water in millions of cubic metro by different field industries (Textiles, Paper, Chemicals, Metal, Machinery, Food/Drink, Fuel) in one year.
  • Overall, Chemicals industries use more water than the others with 430 millions of cubic meters in Ground Water and 240 millions off cubic meters in Public Supply, instead, the Machinery industries have the least value in the Ground Water Usage (10 millions of cubic meters) and about the Public Supply, Textiles and Fuel Industries use just 10 millions of cubic meters, which is the least value.
  • Fuel industries with 10 millions of cubic meters of Public Supply Water and 70 millions of cubic meters of Ground Water are the industries which use water least than all.
  • Chemicals industries have the biggest gap between Public Supply and Ground Water, probably cause of their big numbers of usage.

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  • Title
  • Sætning 1
    • Annual water usage by industries (in millions of cubic metres) The Chart Illustrates the usage of Public Supply and Ground Water in millions of cubic metro by different field industries (Textiles, Paper, Chemicals, Metal, Machinery, Food/Drink, Fuel) in one year.
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  • Sætning 2
    • Overall, Chemicals industries use more water than the others with 430 millions of cubic meters in Ground Water and 240 millions off cubic meters in Public Supply, instead, the Machinery industries have the least value in the Ground Water Usage (10 millions of cubic meters) and about the Public Supply, Textiles and Fuel Industries use just 10 millions of cubic meters, which is the least value.
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  • Sætning 3
    • Fuel industries with 10 millions of cubic meters of Public Supply Water and 70 millions of cubic meters of Ground Water are the industries which use water least than all.
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  • Sætning 4