
Texto de Trilobit - English

    • why teaching again?

    • The second reason may seem to you quite widespread and commonplace.
  • Sometimes our love to learning makes us passionate about teaching.
  • I’ve learned English and Chinese at the university and it has transformed into something more that just learning.
  • In some extent it has transformed into a way of life.
  • I mean, that for me language learning is much more than just a course at the university.
  • When you keen on languages you start learning culture, music, cinema, literature and so on.
  • And once you feel that you are full of the information and bright ideas, you start looking for someone you could pass all the things you have learned.
  • And of course you never only pass, but exchange and take something from other people.
  • I believe that every person we meet and every conversation we have gives us something new.
  • To be honest, I am interested in getting various experience – with the learners of different background and age.
  • By this time, I want to work with children, in the future I will probably try to teach the elder learners.

Por favor, ajude à corrigir cada sentença! - English