
Текст од Luisr_ramirez - English

  • Importance of communicate

    • The ability to communicate is the most important skill that a person can develop, it sets a mark on how far you will get, you could have fantastic ideas but without the capacity to communicate those ideas you won't get far.
    • So, how do we communicate? when we have to chance to speak to someone in person we can relay on just be ourself as simple as may sound, when we show our real thoughts, our fears and dreams we can make a connection,of course is not as easy in practice, but harder than talk is to listen, to quiet our minds and dispose our self to really understand what our partner is saying to us, even when isn't what we want to hear, that's a real challenge that I've rarely accomplish.
    • Even harder is to communicate when you can't speak give to your thoughts a name than can't be change ones is on paper an relay than anyone will miss understood it sounds derisory, not much to talk about, I don't have experience on it.


  • Наслов
  • Реченица 1
    • The ability to communicate is the most important skill that a person can develop, it sets a mark on how far you will get, you could have fantastic ideas but without the capacity to communicate those ideas you won't get far.
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    • The ability to communicate is the most important skill that a person can develop, i. It sets a mark on how far you will get, y in life. You could have fantastic ideas, but without the capacity to communicate those ideas you won't get far.
    • ДОДАЈ НОВУ ИСПРАВKУ ! - Реченица 1ДОДАЈ НОВУ ИСПРАВKУ ! - Реченица 1
  • Реченица 2
    • So, how do we communicate? when we have to chance to speak to someone in person we can relay on just be ourself as simple as may sound, when we show our real thoughts, our fears and dreams we can make a connection,of course is not as easy in practice, but harder than talk is to listen, to quiet our minds and dispose our self to really understand what our partner is saying to us, even when isn't what we want to hear, that's a real challenge that I've rarely accomplish.
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    • So, how do we communicate? wWhen we have to chance to speak to someone in person we can relay on just being ourselfves, as simple as that may sound, w. When we show our real thoughts, our fears, and our dreams we can make a connection,o. Of course, this is not as easy in practice, b. But harder than talking is to listen, ting. To quiet our minds and dispose our self to really understand what our partner is saying to us, even when it isn't what we want to hear, that'is a real challenge that I've rarely accomplish.
    • ДОДАЈ НОВУ ИСПРАВKУ ! - Реченица 2ДОДАЈ НОВУ ИСПРАВKУ ! - Реченица 2
  • Реченица 3
    • Even harder is to communicate when you can't speak give to your thoughts a name than can't be change ones is on paper an relay than anyone will miss understood it sounds derisory, not much to talk about, I don't have experience on it.
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    • Even harder is to communicate when you can't speak give to your thoughts a name than can't be change ones is on paper an relay than anyone will miss understood it sounds derisory, not much to talk about, I don't have experience on it.
    • ДОДАЈ НОВУ ИСПРАВKУ ! - Реченица 3ДОДАЈ НОВУ ИСПРАВKУ ! - Реченица 3