
текст з - English

    • Please correct. Story continues.

    • I joined the small group and asked "How can I help you?" There was a little silence between them, then the man who called me to join with them started to explain.
    • They need to delivery a small consignment to the next town.
    • If I would be agree then they will wrote the address on a piece of paper.
    • But they warned me that the people who living this address don´t speak your language; he is Polish.
    • "Could you hepl us, because none of us couldn´t leave at home because of certain reasons." They didn´t explained me specifically, but they emphasized it is important that delivery must be give hand by hand today evening.
    • I didn´t asked to elaborate.
    • I said "My pleasure," and taken a piece of paper with address started to walk.
    • "How hard it could be" I thought to myself.

Будь ласка, допоможіть відредагувати кожне речення! - English