
maryv88'den mesaj - English

  • a description of my work

    • Good evening to everyone, I need a correction of this text.I am posting a picture on a site and I want to be sure that there aren't lots of mistakes. thank you "Same Time, Same Place on Christmas date..!" Hi everyone, I know I am bit late, I should have posted these pictures on Christmas but better late than ever.
    • My idea for Christmas was to realize the same scene took in two different timelines.
    • In both the pictures you can see both my invented characters both others taken from different sources.
    • In the first picture from left to right: Winston, the little ghost form Medievil 2.
    • Philip Herder, In my stories he is the old museum attendant, a very dependable man always and a father figure for the youngsters.
    • Miriam Grace Ward: The young granddaughter of Nick Ward, boisterous girl , she often gets into troubles for her curiosity, but she is determined to follow her granddad's footsteps.
    • Nicholas James Ward: A perceptive archaeologist in his youth, Nicholas has many secrets that doesn't share with anyone.
    • He loves all his family and friends and share with his granddaughter the same boisterous personality.
    • Second picture Sodreco Sharistarah a character of my dearest friend (lsKaori), he is a rayiaiky and ex gladiator who is working as nocturnal attendant for the museum. if you want to know his personality you can visit my friend's page.
  • Philip Herder again.
    • I imagined when Phil saw Mim patting Nicky's head, he remembered Nicholas Senior doing the same thing with little Mim in the past.
    • Nicholas Junior Ward: Mim's younger brother, a sweet child who loves animals and dreams to become a Vet.
    • Miriam Grace Ward: she is in her early twenties in this picture. Winston again.
  • Well that's all for now.
    • I wish a happy new year to everyone with the ones you love.

Lütfen, Her cümleyi düzeltmek için yardım edin ! - English

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    • Good evening to everyone, I need a correction of this text.I am posting a picture on a site and I want to be sure that there aren't lots of mistakes. thank you "Same Time, Same Place on Christmas date..!" Hi everyone, I know I am bit late, I should have posted these pictures on Christmas but better late than ever.
      Şİmdi oyla!
    • Good evening to everyone,¶I need a correction of this text.I am posting a picture on a site and I want to be sure that there aren't lots of mistakes. thank you ¶¶¶"Same Time, Same Place on Christmas date..!"¶Hi everyone,¶I know I am a bit late,. I should have posted these pictures on Christmas , but better late than never.
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    • Philip Herder, In my stories he is the old museum attendant, a very dependable man always and a father figure for the youngsters.
      Şİmdi oyla!
    • Philip Herder,: In my stories he is the old museum attendant, a very dependable man always and a father figure forto the youngsters.
    • Philip Herder,. In my stories he is the old museum attendant, a very – always dependable man always and a father figure forto the youngsters.
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    • Miriam Grace Ward: The young granddaughter of Nick Ward, boisterous girl , she often gets into troubles for her curiosity, but she is determined to follow her granddad's footsteps.
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    • Miriam Grace Ward: The boisterous, young granddaughter of Nick Ward, boisterous girl , s. She often gets into troubles for her curiosity, but she is determined to follow in her granddad's footsteps.
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    • Second picture Sodreco Sharistarah a character of my dearest friend (lsKaori), he is a rayiaiky and ex gladiator who is working as nocturnal attendant for the museum. if you want to know his personality you can visit my friend's page.
      Şİmdi oyla!
    • Second picture: ¶¶Sodreco Sharistarah is a character of my dearest friend (lsKaori), he is a rayiaiky and ex -gladiator who is working as nocturnala night attendant for the museum. iIf you want to know his personality, you can visit my friend's page.
    • Second picture: ¶¶Sodreco Sharistarah is a character of my dearest friend (lsKaori), h. He is a rayiaiky and ex gladiator who is working as nocturnal attenda night watchmant for the museum. iIf you want to know his personalitymore about him you can visit my friend's page.
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    • I imagined when Phil saw Mim patting Nicky's head, he remembered Nicholas Senior doing the same thing with little Mim in the past.
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    • I imagined that when Phil saw Mim patting Nicky's head, he remembered Nicholas Senior doing the same thing with little Mim in the past.
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