

Text from chngr-91 - English

    • Technical travel

    • I have gone to a factory that doing food production and have met engineers and a few workers there.One of workers has showed me to manufacture.He's told how machines working.We've took show everywhere in factory.
    • After that I have spoken engineers about theengineering,the food and production of that factory.Then I've left there


  • Título
  • Frase 1
    • I have gone to a factory that doing food production and have met engineers and a few workers there.One of workers has showed me to manufacture.He's told how machines working.We've took show everywhere in factory.
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    • I have gone to a factory that doing food production and havecame to a food factory and met engineers and a few workers there. One of the workers has showed me tohe manufacture.He's told how machines working.We've took show everywhere ining .He explained me how the machines worked .We took a look around the factory.
    • I have gone to a factory that doing food productionwhich produces food and have met engineers and a few workers there.One of the workers has showed me tohe manufacture. He's told me how the machines working.We've took showed. We had taken a look everywhere in factory.
    • I have gone went to a factory that dois engaged ing food production, and have metmet a few engineers and a few workers there. One of the workers has showed me tohe manufacture.He's toling process, and explained how the machines working.We've took show everywhere in. We also took a look around the whole factory.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 1ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 1
  • Frase 2
    • After that I have spoken engineers about theengineering,the food and production of that factory.Then I've left there
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    • After that I have spoken spoke with engineers about the engineering, and the food and production of that factory. Then I've left there.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 2ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 2