
Text von Kathrin24 - English

    • Why am I here

    • Hi I`m Kathrin 24 from Germany When I was 16 I`ve decided to be a pharmacist (pharmaceutical technical assistent in Germany) The educaion takes two and a half years.
    • Meanwhile I`m working in my sixt year in a pharmacy and I`m so happy with this job.
    • We have a lot of english speaking customers but I have my problems with the verbal speaking.
    • I`m very unsure what to say, how to bild the sentence and sonetimes the grammar is totaly lost.
    • I hope to find someone to converse with to get a much better with the language not only for my work but for my traveling also I hope this text is not a full catasthrophy good night and thanks for the correction

BITTE, hilf jeden Satz zu korrigieren! - English