Nadine96からのテキスト - English

    • Correct me, please

  • Use the appropriate form of the Gerund.
  • He was afraid of (take) for another person. being taken Under police questioning he admitted (invent) the story. having invented I remember (read) about it in one of the historical novels. reading He got out his jacket, which had the appearance of (put) away for a long time. being put It hadn’t been worth (leave) Paris. leaving Victoria displayed a distinct pleasure at (allow) to tell her story. having allowed She gave me the impression of (be) through much and of (be) sure of herself. being After carefully (examine) the room several times I returned my attention to the mountain. being She mentioned (see) me on television the previous night. having examined For fear of (delay) by Paul she had not gone up to bed. being delayed Transform the following sentences so as to use complexes with the Gerund.
  • Use prepositions where necessary.
    • Michael suggested that she should go to the Crimea to be near her mother.
  • Michael suggested her going to...
  • My friend insisted that I should stay at his place.
  • My friend insisted on me staying...
    • She remembered that Charles had once said to her that the origin of poetry was emotion.
    • She remember Charles saying...
  • Do you mind if I take your dictionary?
  • Do you mind me taking...
  • She had no idea that he was good at mathematics.
  • She didn't suggest him being...
    • I was annoyed because they shouted so loud.
  • I was unhappy with them shouting...
  • For my part I have never before suspected that Kate had a deep vein of superstition in her nature.
  • ...I have never before suspected Kate having...
    • There is no chance that we shall come there in time.
  • There is no chance for us coming there...
  • Everyone was surprised that she was there.
    • Everyone was surprised of her being there.
    • The thought she would leave so soon was unbearable.
  • The thought of her leaving...

添削の手助けをお願いします! - English