
Text från CarinaMabel - English

  • Black Friday

    • In my opinion, the effects of the "Black Friday" on economy may be positive for the society that created it.
    • Since they being having black fridays for a very long time, it's evident both retailers as giant stores are getting some profit.
    • Now, about the effects of "Black Friday" in others countries economies, I think time will tell neither is profitable or not.
  • Some shops in the UK are no longer participating in "Black Friday" sales.
  • This day affects not only the economy, but the cities and the people.
  • On Black Friday you will find a mess of traffic jams, long lines and ravaged stores.
  • It seems to be a stressful day for most shoppers.
  • Every year, it's looking better to just stay at home, and shop online.
  • Going back to the economic view, perhaps we should remember why is called Black Friday.
  • “Black” refers to stores moving from the “red” to the “black,” back when accounting records were kept by hand, and red ink indicated a loss, and black a profit.
    • Historically, the Friday after Thanksgiving has been known as the unofficial start to holiday shopping season.
    • And it has been a very positive day for stores's economy.