
Text od MFrancisca - English

  • Common errors in writing

    • I would be grateful if you could help me to correct errors you may find in the text below, in terms of commas, vocabulary, conciseness, among others.Thanks before hand!
    • Most of the times, when we are asked to create a piece of writing, we are not aware of the errors in the organization of the text, what can negatively affects the coherence or give rise to multiple interpretations of the ideas we intended to express.
    • Two of the errors we usually make and learnt in this course how to avoid them to enhance clarity and meaning in a text, are related to dangling modifiers and commas.
  • Dangling modifiers are words, phrases or sentences that intend to add a description to modify the subject of the main clause, but fail to refer logically to the actor.
  • They are errors caused by failing to use the word that the modifier is meant to refer.
  • For example, in the sentence “Having seen Blackpool Tower, the Eiffel Tower is more impressive”, the modifier “having seen Blackpool Tower” should refer to the actor in the main clause, but in terms of logic, the Eiffel Tower cannot be, so the sentence gets difficult to understand.
  • This sentence “At the age of eight, my family finally bought a dog” can also be confusing since the modifier “at the age of eight” grammatically refers to the family, but logically should refer to a member of the family whose age was eight when they bought a dog.
  • For some people, these type of errors may be unobtrusive, but for more critical readers these errors affect the coherence, so in order to repair them, it is necessary to change the subject of the independent clause so that it names the actor implied by the modifier, as in this example “Having seen Blackpool Tower, she thinks the Eiffel Tower is more impressive”, or turn the modifier into a word group that names the actor, as in this case “When I was eight, my family finally bought a dog”.
  • Secondly, we learnt about commas, which are one of the most common punctuation marks that can be used either when a pause is needed in a sentence or to clarify meaning.
    • A comma can be used in several situation, for instance in compound sentences where the comma is placed before the coordinating conjunction, as in the following example “Mary did her homework, and Valerie played the piano”.
  • Another instance in which commas can be placed is in between an introductory sentence, that is a dependant clause, and an independent clause, as in the next example “Before the movie began, we went to buy some sweets”.
  • Another use of the comma is when a sentence contains nonessential information, that has to be placed between commas, as in this sentence “My best friend, who is a lawyer, wants to go to India”.
  • The last use of commas that we covered in class is when we want to list three or more items, so we should use the Oxford comma or serial comma, which is placed before the coordinating conjunction (and, or, nor) in order to avoid confusion, as in the following example “Last year, Gabriela went to Scotland, Ireland, Iceland, Germany, and Britain”.
    • As a conclusion, we can say that dangling modifiers and commas are crucial element to have in mind when writing, and they are not that difficult to understand if you take the time to do so.
    • Along the course, we learnt about other common errors such as the ones related to misplaced modifiers, conciseness, subject-verb agreement, pronoun agreement, which definitely will help us in our writing process to think critically, monitor, check, and edit our own errors for the sake of improve in this crucial skill, named writing.


  • Titul
  • Sentence 1
    • I would be grateful if you could help me to correct errors you may find in the text below, in terms of commas, vocabulary, conciseness, among others.Thanks before hand!
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    • I would be grateful if you could help me to correct errors you may find in the text below, in terms of commas, vocabulary, conciseness, among others. Thanks before handin advance!
    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 1PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 1
  • Sentence 2
    • Most of the times, when we are asked to create a piece of writing, we are not aware of the errors in the organization of the text, what can negatively affects the coherence or give rise to multiple interpretations of the ideas we intended to express.
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    • Most of the times, when we are asked to create a piece of writing, we are not aware of the errors in the organization of the text, w that can negatively affects the coherence or give rise to multiple interpretations of the ideas we intended to express.
    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 2PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 2
  • Sentence 3
    • Two of the errors we usually make and learnt in this course how to avoid them to enhance clarity and meaning in a text, are related to dangling modifiers and commas.
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    • Two of the errors we usually make and learnt how to avoid in this course how to avoid them to enhance clarity and meaning in a text, are related to dangling modifiers and commas.
    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 3PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 3
  • Sentence 4
    • Dangling modifiers are words, phrases or sentences that intend to add a description to modify the subject of the main clause, but fail to refer logically to the actor.
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    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 4PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 4
  • Sentence 5
  • Sentence 6
    • For example, in the sentence “Having seen Blackpool Tower, the Eiffel Tower is more impressive”, the modifier “having seen Blackpool Tower” should refer to the actor in the main clause, but in terms of logic, the Eiffel Tower cannot be, so the sentence gets difficult to understand.
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    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 6PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 6
  • Sentence 7
    • This sentence “At the age of eight, my family finally bought a dog” can also be confusing since the modifier “at the age of eight” grammatically refers to the family, but logically should refer to a member of the family whose age was eight when they bought a dog.
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    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 7PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 7
  • Sentence 8
    • For some people, these type of errors may be unobtrusive, but for more critical readers these errors affect the coherence, so in order to repair them, it is necessary to change the subject of the independent clause so that it names the actor implied by the modifier, as in this example “Having seen Blackpool Tower, she thinks the Eiffel Tower is more impressive”, or turn the modifier into a word group that names the actor, as in this case “When I was eight, my family finally bought a dog”.
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    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 8PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 8
  • Sentence 9
    • Secondly, we learnt about commas, which are one of the most common punctuation marks that can be used either when a pause is needed in a sentence or to clarify meaning.
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    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 9PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 9
  • Sentence 10
    • A comma can be used in several situation, for instance in compound sentences where the comma is placed before the coordinating conjunction, as in the following example “Mary did her homework, and Valerie played the piano”.
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    • A comma can be used in several situation, fs. For instance, it can be used in compound sentences where the comma is placed before the coordinating conjunction, as in the following example: “Mary did her homework, and Valerie played the piano”.
    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 10PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 10
  • Sentence 11
    • Another instance in which commas can be placed is in between an introductory sentence, that is a dependant clause, and an independent clause, as in the next example “Before the movie began, we went to buy some sweets”.
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    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 11PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 11
  • Sentence 12
    • Another use of the comma is when a sentence contains nonessential information, that has to be placed between commas, as in this sentence “My best friend, who is a lawyer, wants to go to India”.
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    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 12PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 12
  • Sentence 13
    • The last use of commas that we covered in class is when we want to list three or more items, so we should use the Oxford comma or serial comma, which is placed before the coordinating conjunction (and, or, nor) in order to avoid confusion, as in the following example “Last year, Gabriela went to Scotland, Ireland, Iceland, Germany, and Britain”.
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    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 13PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 13
  • Sentence 14
    • As a conclusion, we can say that dangling modifiers and commas are crucial element to have in mind when writing, and they are not that difficult to understand if you take the time to do so.
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    • As aIn conclusion, we can say that dangling modifiers and commas are a crucial element to have in mind when writing, and they are not that difficult to understand if you take the time to do so.
    • As aIn conclusion, we can say that dangling modifiers and commas are a crucial element to have in mind when writing, and they are not that difficult to understand if you take the time to do so.
    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 14PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 14
  • Sentence 15
    • Along the course, we learnt about other common errors such as the ones related to misplaced modifiers, conciseness, subject-verb agreement, pronoun agreement, which definitely will help us in our writing process to think critically, monitor, check, and edit our own errors for the sake of improve in this crucial skill, named writing.
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    • AlongThroughout the course, we learnt about other common errors such as the ones related to misplaced modifiers, conciseness, subject-verb agreement, pronoun agreement, which definitely will help us in our writing process to think critically, monitor, check, and edit our own errors for the sake of improvement in this crucial skill, nam called writing.
    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 15PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 15