
Text from mariam-tamimi - English

    • favourite class,

    • please help me though correct this text for my presentation. At St.
    • Albans, especialy in our later years, we are given the freedom to choose from a wide array of classes. through this freedom, I have selected classes which have personal significant to me, regardles of difficulty or appearence on my transcript.
    • However, from these classes, one holds an very very great amount of value to me.
    • This course is A.P.
    • Omnibus History, a combination of american and europe history.
    • There is several reasons for my great interest in this class and love it.
    • First, I am crazy by the cyclical nature of the past.
    • I see these recurring political, economic, and social happpenings as a means of looking forward onto future, while allowing us to avoid the mistakes we had of the past.
    • Second, history teaches many lessons about the nature of human behavior, both old and new, providing insight into actions, desires, and aspirations of these around me.
    • Finally, it give a solid foundation for several disciplines, including political science and economical, and international relations. three fields of great interest and love to me.