
Sylvain_C'den mesaj - English

  • Resume

    • During the last three years of my studies I was in sandwich course and I have worked in small IT services companies.
    • After the engineer degree I have worked for five years in a large state organization.
    • Then I began to feel stuck in the same technologies, so I left this organizations to restart working in IT services companies.
  • Since then I was on many projects mainly using the AngularJS Framework.
    • On some of these projects I was the tech lead and I had to lead the front-end development part.
  • A part of my actual job is to train people on AngularJS.
  • Beside the work I am working often on projects to learn or play with new techonologies.
  • (Angular, Ember, Docker, etc...) You will be able to find some of my contributions on Github or Codepen

Lütfen, Her cümleyi düzeltmek için yardım edin ! - English