
Text från Anastasipa - English

  • Howl's Moving Castle

    • When I first saw the Japanese animated fantasy film «Howl's Moving Castle», I was surprised.
    • Because the well-known Japanese castle is very similar to our hut on chicken legs.
    • But the building of the animated movie is much more complicated.
  • First of all, the building consists of many parts that resemble small houses.
  • Each house has its own shape and function.
  • These small parts are connected by meandering pipes.
    • Castle also has a lot of chimneys that stick out in different directions.
  • All of this creates an interesting image of the exterior of the castle.
  • I can compare it with the face of a monster.
  • But also in the castle there are things that I like.
    • For example, there are many terraces that overlook to all corners of the world.
  • This allows you to see the wonderful landscape.
    • Form of terraces is unpredictable, they are curved and asymmetric.
    • Moreover, due to the fact that it consists of small houses, the castle has a different window shapes.
  • There are round, square, rectangular and even oval windows.
  • The castle has its own style of architecture, which will impress everyone.