
Tekst fra CarinaMabel - English

    • Superstittions.

  • Are you superstitious?
    • What kind of superstitious behaviors do you or people you know believe in?
  • If someone offered you a monkey’s paw and claimed that it had power to grant three wishes, would you use it? Yes? No? Why?
  • If yes, what would you ask for?
  • I'm not a superstitious person, and I can prove it since my pet is a black cat !!!
  • I really don't believe in crossing fingers or touching wood, and I have no problem with walking under a ladder.
  • Nevertheless, some members of my family are indeed superstitious.
    • My grandmother firmly believes that the seventh son of a family (no daughters in between) is doomed to turn into a werewolf.
  • Apparently, the only cure is that the president of the country must become the godson of the 7th son.
    • She also believes that all women must wear pink underwear in New Year’s Eve, for them to have a prosperous year.
    • My brother and his friends believe that a person known as having bad luck can't be named, if that happens then the unlucky person transfers their bad vibe to the rest.
    • So, if anyone dare to mention its name, they grab their testicles.
    • It seems that genitals grabbing avert the negative energies.
    • If someone ever offers me a monkey’s paw and tells me that it had power to grant three wishes, I would definitely take it.
    • I could not resist the temptation.
  • But then choosing three wishes, and only THREE.... uff… I would probably spend the rest of my life trying to choose.
    • I can think of a million things to ask, and yet not one worth it.
    • I believe it would end up being a problem and not a solution, it would consume my life... and that would definitely be BAD LUCK!