
Tekstong galing sa betkyn - English

    • Original architecture designing? :]

    • How innovative is the new architectural design?
    • In recent years, all the fields where the human is involved have had an enormous development, lot of things have been created or modified in order to benefit our lives.
    • Within the architecture, it is becoming very popular to use new technologies and materials, improve construction processes and set out revolutionary ideas that could not have been built years ago.
    • That is why we decided to go to the 7th International Exhibition, trying to find out the latest inventions in this field.
    • The “Homes Pavilion”, a construction which has walls built with bags of earth mixed with straw and volcanic rock and obtains all the energy from natural sources, is such a great example of how it is possible to build without harming the Earth.
    • This idea reminds us the ancient African cultures who created walls made of mixtures of different materials such as adobe, manure and straw.
    • As well as Michael Reynolds, an American architect who promoted from the 70’s the radically sustainable living, creating houses from waste streams such as tires, bottles, cans, etc… similar ideas but years ago.
    • Another option displayed, the most futuristic technology that can be seen in the Exhibition, is “The Urban Space Station Pavilion” that will be built on top of existing high-rise buildings and will make use of solar power.
    • It is obvious that modern man is needed of free space, which is why tall buildings are being built in order to save space, having multidisciplinary buildings and great views from the top.
    • Nevertheless, one more time this is a similar idea which can be found in the past.
    • Into the stage design in the movie “Stars Wars”, the Bright Tree Village was the town where Ewoks lived, a forest full of tall trees with houses on the top, linked each other by a large suspension bridge.
    • Despite architecture is moving towards the future, providing better ways to plan, offering more and more materials and much stronger structures, personally speaking, the architecture is just remaking what has been done before and innovation is based on ideas or projects from the past.
    • So, as it is said, we could conclude that there is no new thing under the sun, if we wanted to know about the future, we should look over the past.

Pakiusap, tumulong sa pagtatama sa mga pangungusap! - English

  • Title
  • Pangungusap 1
  • Pangungusap 2
    • In recent years, all the fields where the human is involved have had an enormous development, lot of things have been created or modified in order to benefit our lives.
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    • In recent years, all the fields where the human is involvedof human endeavor have had aseen enormous development, lot of; many things have been created or modified in order to benefitimprove our lives.
    • Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 2Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 2
  • Pangungusap 3
    • Within the architecture, it is becoming very popular to use new technologies and materials, improve construction processes and set out revolutionary ideas that could not have been built years ago.
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    • Within the architecture, it ihas becoming verye popular to use new technologies and materials, improve construction processes, and set outpropose revolutionary ideas that could not have been built years ago.
    • Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 3Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 3
  • Pangungusap 4
  • Pangungusap 5
    • The “Homes Pavilion”, a construction which has walls built with bags of earth mixed with straw and volcanic rock and obtains all the energy from natural sources, is such a great example of how it is possible to build without harming the Earth.
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    • The “Homes Pavilion”, a construction which has walls built withfrom bags of earth mixed with straw and volcanic rock and. The Pavilion obtains all theits energy from natural sources, is suchand is a great example of how it is possible to build without harming the Earth.
    • Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 5Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 5
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  • Pangungusap 7
    • As well as Michael Reynolds, an American architect who promoted from the 70’s the radically sustainable living, creating houses from waste streams such as tires, bottles, cans, etc… similar ideas but years ago.
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    • As well asThese ideas also recall Michael Reynolds, an American architect who promoted from the 70’s the radically sustainable living in the 1970’s, creating houses from waste streams such as tires, bottles, cans, etc… similar ideas but years ago.
    • Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 7Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 7
  • Pangungusap 8
    • Another option displayed, the most futuristic technology that can be seen in the Exhibition, is “The Urban Space Station Pavilion” that will be built on top of existing high-rise buildings and will make use of solar power.
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    • Another option displayed, --the most futuristic technology that cano be seen in the Exhibition, --is “The Urban Space Station Pavilion” that will. This structure would be built on top of existing high-rise buildings and will make use ofto capture solar power.
    • Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 8Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 8
  • Pangungusap 9
    • It is obvious that modern man is needed of free space, which is why tall buildings are being built in order to save space, having multidisciplinary buildings and great views from the top.
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    • It is obvious that modern man is needed of free space, which is why tall buildings are being builtcities lack room to expand. Tall buildings are being designed and constructed in order to save space, havingaddress multidisciplinary buildings and great views from the topneeds, and provide great views.
    • Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 9Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 9
  • Pangungusap 10
  • Pangungusap 11
    • Into the stage design in the movie “Stars Wars”, the Bright Tree Village was the town where Ewoks lived, a forest full of tall trees with houses on the top, linked each other by a large suspension bridge.
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    • Into the stage design in the movi one of the “Stars Wars” movies, the Bright Tree Village was the town where Ewoks lived,: a forest full of tall trees with houses oin their tops, linked to each other by a large suspension bridge.
    • Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 11Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 11
  • Pangungusap 12
    • Despite architecture is moving towards the future, providing better ways to plan, offering more and more materials and much stronger structures, personally speaking, the architecture is just remaking what has been done before and innovation is based on ideas or projects from the past.
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    • Despite architecture i's movinge towards the future, providing better ways to plan, offering more and more materials, and much stronger structures, personally speaking, the architecture is just remaworking what has been done before, and innovation is based on ideas or projects from the past.
    • Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 12Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 12
  • Pangungusap 13