
Tekst fra - English

    • English, Spanish

    • Nowadays language is the most easiest way to transmit the information and contact each other.
    • In the world most of people talk in English, Spanish and Mandarin dialect.
    • It can lead to disappearance of minority languages.
    • First of all, it is globalization, process of rapprochement and growth of interrelation of the nations and the states of the world.
    • During globalization all countries try to achieve some results in certain spheres of life for this purpose need one language.
    • To compete with language supporter, opening access to social growth and to the best, more provided life it is difficult if it isn't impossible.
    • But despite this, there were opportunities for creation of independent exterritorial language communities, for distribution unknown before through "world wide web" of art production in any languages today.
    • Authors can do the texts by property of public, without resorting to expensive services of editors and publishers.
    • Anyone to learn this or that language can find by means of the same Internet of its carrier with which will be able virtually to communicate, get access to various textbooks, audio-and to video courses.
    • It is possible to conclude, therefore, that it is necessary for full functioning and harmonious development of language that there was a certain community in which all spheres of life this language would be used, accompanying each associate from the birth to death.
    • Otherwise school and even university education in language doesn't yield those results on which fighters for the language rights count.
    • If the only scope of knowledge of language there is its teaching, this sector of employment very quickly is filled, new graduates don't find work in the specialty, and soon faculties where train such teachers, reduce a set of entrants, and even are at all closed.

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  • Title
  • Sætning 1
  • Sætning 2
  • Sætning 3
  • Sætning 4
    • First of all, it is globalization, process of rapprochement and growth of interrelation of the nations and the states of the world.
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    • First of all, it isThe reasons for this are: globalization, the process of rapprochement and the growth of interrelaconnections of the nations and the states of the world.
    • Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 4Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 4
  • Sætning 5
  • Sætning 6
    • To compete with language supporter, opening access to social growth and to the best, more provided life it is difficult if it isn't impossible.
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    • To compete with language supporters, opening access to social growth and to the best, more provided life itdeveloped quality of life is difficult if it isn'enough, if not impossible.
    • Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 6Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 6
  • Sætning 7
    • But despite this, there were opportunities for creation of independent exterritorial language communities, for distribution unknown before through "world wide web" of art production in any languages today.
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    • But dDespite this, there were opportunities for the creation of independent exterritorial language communities, for distribution unknown before through "world wide web" of art production in any languages today.
    • Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 7Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 7
  • Sætning 8
  • Sætning 9
    • Anyone to learn this or that language can find by means of the same Internet of its carrier with which will be able virtually to communicate, get access to various textbooks, audio-and to video courses.
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    • Anyone who wants to learn this or that language, can find by means of the same Internet of its carri, with the Internet, a provider with which they will be able virtually to communicate virtually, get access to various textbooks, audio- and to video courses.
    • Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 9Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 9
  • Sætning 10
    • It is possible to conclude, therefore, that it is necessary for full functioning and harmonious development of language that there was a certain community in which all spheres of life this language would be used, accompanying each associate from the birth to death.
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    • It is possible to conclude, therefore, that it is necessary for the full -functioning and harmonious development of language that there wasshould be a certain community in which all spheres of life this language would be used in all spheres of life, accompanying each associate from the birth to death.
    • Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 10Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 10
  • Sætning 11
  • Sætning 12
    • If the only scope of knowledge of language there is its teaching, this sector of employment very quickly is filled, new graduates don't find work in the specialty, and soon faculties where train such teachers, reduce a set of entrants, and even are at all closed.
      Stem nu!
    • If the only scope of knowledge of language there is its teaching, this sector of employment is very quickly is filled. Therefore, new graduates wouldon't find work in their specialtyisation, and soon faculties whereich train such teachers, would be reduced to a set of entrants, and even are at all closedcould even be closed completely. ¶
    • Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 12Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 12