
نص من - English

  • The misconducts of the American police

  • 16 shots … This number became a true motto for young black Americans.
  • On Tuesday 25th November, the press grasped the opportunity to revive debats with a judgement : that of the charge of the Chicago officer, Van Dyke.
  • Indeed, this is the first time in decades, that an officer is accused of first-degree murder.
  • The story began one year earlier.
  • The 17-years-old black American's death made headlines and disclosed a real tension between the police forces and the local population, espacially the black population.
  • The shocking video was made public on the same day of the judgement.
  • If this murder became the expression of this tension, it is due to the fact that it is not an isolated act.
  • How to forget the uprisings in Ferguson ou Maryland ?
  • The Guardian is counting the people killed by US law enforcement agencies this year.
  • And the number is surprising : 1029 !
  • This significant number includes all kind of race and ethnicity.
  • However, one number is higher than others : 6,2 per million.
  • It corresponds to the average of black people killed by the police in US.
  • More than a dozen officers have now been charged wih murder this year over fatal shootings, according to Philip Stinson, an associate proffessor of criminology.
  • This represents an increase of about five per year over the past decade.
  • This total demontrates a lack in the police training.
  • Marq Claxton, the director of the Black Law Enforcement Alliance, explained « Common sense mandates – and training dictates – that you maintain a safe distance, and take advantage of opportunities for cove and concealment ».
  • He added « the police actually create the extreme level of danger with bad tactics ».
  • The Chicago mayor, Rahm Emanuel, admited there is « absolutely no doubt that [ the Laquan McDonald's shooting video] will tear at the hearts of Chicagoans ».
  • It is now their duty to recreate a strong, clear and stable link between the citizens and the police reprsentatives.
  • Safety must be the primary concern, what maybe has to require extensive rethinking of the system.

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