
Сообщение от Val-entin - English

  • Security in China

  • I did not realize how secure China is when I arrived in Shanghai.
  • I come from France and I have thought of this issue only because of the Paris’ attacks.
  • Regarding food and air pollution, the security is much higher in France.
  • Sanitary controls in the French restaurants are drastic.
  • When there is a pollution peak, the government sets up a “pollution alert” what means that, in particular, half of the population does not have the right to use its car anymore (it depends on your license plate: if it ends by an odd number you can drive on Mondays but not on Tuesdays, if it ends by an even number you can drive on Tuesdays but not on Mondays…).
  • However, regarding to physical security, I feel much more secure in Shanghai than in France, and not only because of the terrorist attacks.
  • First, the police presence is impressive and reassuring.
  • There are cops everywhere: at the entrances of the university, at the entrances of the subway stations, in the main streets, in the big buildings… Second, in Paris, a girl would never dare to walk alone in the streets during the night (and there are some part of Paris where even the men would not dare to walk alone...) whereas in Shanghai you can see unaccompanied girls wearing mini-skirts and visible wallets or purses in the streets and they do not have any trouble!

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