
Rédigé par Sylvain_C - English

  • Blog article

    • You will find plenty of articles about Docker on internet.
    • That is why I won't explain you what IS Docker, but more why you could, and maybe should, use is as a web developer.
    • Let say you are working on a MEAN stack.
  • So you have Node, Express, Mongo and Angular in the project.
    • It is a lot of dependencies.
    • Some of these dependencies are in the package.json file, and some in bower.json file The thing is, if you use a CI (Continuous Integration) like system, you will prevent possible human issues.
    • During a project development cycle, sometime, you have to change things in the project's settings.
    • If you run your application only on your computer with the normal way, you could install dependencies, forget to add them to the package.json and push you code on the repository.
  • The result will be that on your CI (Jenkins or another), the project build will break.
    • The real interest of using Docker is mainly to prevent this kind of issues.
  • It will simulate a CI system and will warn you about them.