
Text od Brakha_L - English


  • I have good news- I applied for the CELTA course ( for those who don't believe in googling it stands for Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) and I was accepted!
    • Now, the application process is pretty hard, there are 3 stages, first, you have to do some written tasks, those are pretty much about methodology ( which doesn't really make any sense, the course is for young teachers without any teaching experience, but well i guess by doing this they just try to see our teaching potential ) I actually enjoyed this task, Well just to give you an idea of the tasks here are some of the questions : how would you explain the difference between''lay'' and ''lie'' to your students?
  • '' childish vs childlike ''?
  • , '' imply vs infer''.
  • I also had to write an esssay about 500 words long( and it HAD to be handwritten and not printed).
  • I didn't really expect them to reply but they did and passed the first stage.
    • At The second stage they normally expect you to take a language aptitude test, which in my case they didn't do because I sent them my IELTS results so I guess they thought it was good enough and they invited me for the interview with the trainer of the course.
    • This is the hardest part, what the trainers trying to do is to actually discourage your from taking this course, emphasizing the intensity of the course.
  • ( it's a 4 week course ,and you basically spend your entire day in class), '' you won't have any free time whatsoever and you will have to sacrifice your personal life'' - well lady i don't have any life so you cant really play on that :D .
    • '' all your lessons will be observed by experienced teachers and tutors '' great I'm pretty sure im a natural born performer , I actually always wanted to be a stand up comedian too bad I forget the punchlines of the jokes all the time.
  • So the interview as I have already said is the last stage of the application process, and the decisive one.
  • Besides trying to intimidate a potential trainee, trainers have to make sure your language skills are sufficient for the course.
    • So, to cut a long story short ( does anybody still use this expression or its just me?
    • ) I was accepted and my classes begin in July.


  • Sentence 1
    • I have good news- I applied for the CELTA course ( for those who don't believe in googling it stands for Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) and I was accepted!
      Vote now!
    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 1PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 1
  • Sentence 2
    • Now, the application process is pretty hard, there are 3 stages, first, you have to do some written tasks, those are pretty much about methodology ( which doesn't really make any sense, the course is for young teachers without any teaching experience, but well i guess by doing this they just try to see our teaching potential ) I actually enjoyed this task, Well just to give you an idea of the tasks here are some of the questions : how would you explain the difference between''lay'' and ''lie'' to your students?
      Vote now!
    • Now, the application process is pretty hard, there are 3 stages, first, you have to do some written tasks, those are pretty much about methodology ( which doesn't really make any sense, the course is for young teachers without any teaching experience, but well i guess by doing this they just try to see our teaching potential ) I actually enjoyed this task, Well just to give you an idea of the tasks here are some of the questions : how would you explain the difference between''lay'' and ''lie'' to your students?
    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 2PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 2
  • Sentence 3
  • Sentence 4
  • Sentence 5
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  • Sentence 7
    • At The second stage they normally expect you to take a language aptitude test, which in my case they didn't do because I sent them my IELTS results so I guess they thought it was good enough and they invited me for the interview with the trainer of the course.
      Vote now!
    • At The second stage they normally expect you to take a language aptitude test, which in my case they didn't do because I sent to them my IELTS results so I guess they thought it was good enough and they invited me for the interview with the trainer of the course.
    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 7PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 7
  • Sentence 8
    • This is the hardest part, what the trainers trying to do is to actually discourage your from taking this course, emphasizing the intensity of the course.
      Vote now!
    • This is the hardest part, what the trainers trying to do is to actually to discourage your from taking this course, emphasizing the intensity of the course.
    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 8PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 8
  • Sentence 9
    • ( it's a 4 week course ,and you basically spend your entire day in class), '' you won't have any free time whatsoever and you will have to sacrifice your personal life'' - well lady i don't have any life so you cant really play on that :D .
      Vote now!
    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 9PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 9
  • Sentence 10
    • '' all your lessons will be observed by experienced teachers and tutors '' great I'm pretty sure im a natural born performer , I actually always wanted to be a stand up comedian too bad I forget the punchlines of the jokes all the time.
      Vote now!
    • '' all your lessons will be observed by experienced teachers and tutors '' great I'm pretty sure ithat i'm a natural born performer , I actually always wanted to be a stand up comedian too bad I forget the punchlines of the jokes all the time.
    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 10PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 10
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