
Texto de Kike87 - English


  • The school is located in a small village in Saragosse province.
    • It has about 350 inhabitants and belongs to Ejea de los Caballeros town.
    • The school is part of a grouped rural school that has the headquarter in another village.
    • Its a relatively new village that was inaugurated in 1959 with the purpose of atracting people in order to cultívate the lands near the village.
  • Therefore, we find people mostly dedicated to agriculture.
  • This school has two main buildings with two classrooms each and a small playground.
    • In the school we have pre- school education and primary school and a total of 15 students.
    • While one building is for the youngest pupils, from second of pre-school to third primary course, the other building is for students from forth course to sixth course.

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