
Texto de Juan1982 - English

  • a letter

  • Dear Mr Slater.
  • Thank you for your letter.
  • I hope to have a good time learning English because it is really important for getting a job currently.
    • Regarding my accommodation I would rather be with English speaking families because I need to live in a pleasant and quite place, If I stayed at youth hostel I would hang around with young people as a consequence I would not focus on improving my English.
    • With reference some free time activities they fancy playing outside sports such as mountain biking, rock climbing or kayaking.
  • In this way they could work in a team and build up their relationships.
    • Finally, How is the weather there?
  • What type of clothes should I wear for your country?
  • Is it cold or hot?
  • I hope that answers your questions.
  • Please write to me if you need to any more information.
  • Yours sincerely.

Por favor, ajude à corrigir cada sentença! - English