
Text from clem44 - English

  • A Juicy Dialogue

  • After being unmasked by the press, Melita Norwood’s daughter goes to see her Mum.
  • Anita looks like a courageous women very joyful and unpredictable.
  • Melita opens the door with a broad grin whereas Anita shows the Garden’s cover page.
  • Melita’s face becomes pasty and her hands are trembling… ‘That’s so surprising mum!
  • I have never though that you were a spy during all the life!
  • That’s so exciting!
  • I’m very pleased to be your daughter, mum!
  • When I learnt about this in the underground, I thought about the fact that during 40 years you had never been unmasked by anybody.
  • How did you succeed in doing your job every day?’ Anita scream at the top of her voice; very excited.
  • “Anita, I’m very surprised that you don’t considered me as a horrible mother who betrayed her country… I thought that you would come to see me and yell that I’m a disgraceful mother etc…” she replies astonished.
  • “No mum, you stay for me the best mum because of your softness.
  • Moreover now for me you are a hero!
  • How have you been so many years a spy and why you become it?” “Thank you my little daughter.
  • I will explain you how I becomes a spy and you should that it’s a decision I have taken with your father, Hilary.
  • As you know, British government was trying to get the nuclear bomb and I founded unacceptable that some countries were powerful than others.
  • That’s why I worked for the soviet government to help them taking the nuclear code.” “I agree with you mum, all the countries over the world should be equal.” Anita interrupt “Yeah, and as you mentioned before, it was extremely difficult to keep the secret that I was working for the KGB.
  • I have often changed identities taking news names like ‘Hola’ to remove all suspicions about me.” “Ohh that’s why in the drawer I have seen many identity cards!
  • It’s so magic!” “If you say it… The most important difficulty of the mission was to get information and I have founded the solution.
  • If you are very friendly, you seems to be clever, interesting in the occupations of the person, she will tell you what you want” “Actually, you were abusing the trust of others to get information.
  • It’s true that it’s deplorable but it was in fact for a good reason.” Anita answers nodding her head.
  • “What time is it mum?” “Ten past 9 anita” “Ohhh, we have a meeting with the most famous advocate of England at half past nine so we should go now!
  • You will tell me all the juicy events you have during the ride.
  • ”Anita shouts running to the door with her mum and going to keep the underground.