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  • Kurt Vonnegut

    • There is no doubt that Kurt Vonnegut belongs to the best writers of America.
    • Answering critic remarks,the writer was joking, that there are a lot of wonderful writers, but there are no enough good readers.
    • However, nothing prevented Kurt from developing his talant.
    • As an any real writer, he continued working and showing to readers his new books.
    • Kurt Vonnegut was born on 11th of November in 1922 in Indianopolis, the Indian state.
    • He was the third child and the youngest of two sons in the architect family.
    • His parents wanted the children to learn something useful.
    • The elder son made success in Chemistry area, and the youngest son, Kurt, had already started writing his first articles at school.
    • Father objected to his sons being a writer.
    • And in 1940 he, like his elder brother, entered the Chemist faculty of the university.
  • However Chemistry and Biology were not his favourite subjects.
    • He still liked Literature and prefered working on Chemistry to journalist work.
    • As a result in 1942 Kurt was asked for leaving the university, and he entered the technologic university.
    • But the success of the writer was not better.
    • And in 1944 after his mother`s had comiting suicide, Vonnegut left for America.
    • He entered the army and was taking part in military operations in Europe.
  • In May of 1945 the writer came back to America.
    • And in September he got married to Jane Fox, the friend who he went with to the kindergarden together.
    • Next several years Vonnegut spent in Chicago, where he studied Antropology at the university, and in 1950 moved to New-York, where his first story was published.
    • After the story, his first novel «Piano player» followed in 1952.
    • By that time after appearing his second novel «The sirens of Titan» about 50 stories had already been published.
    • At that time Kurt worked as an English teacher at the college for students with mental illnesses.
    • The life of the writer was not easy.
    • After his father`s death, his elder sister Alice, 41 years old, was taken with a cancer.
    • It happened in forty eight hours after his husband`s had having a railway crush.
    • Kurt took four sister`s children into his family.
    • And he and his wife had to take care not only with their own children but four nephews.
    • However nothing preveneted Kurt from writing.He became a famous writer soon.
    • Since 1960 to 1987 he writes and publishes ten novels, and one of the well-known ones is « Breakfast of Champions) and also some interesting stories.
    • The story « Who am I This time?» had been used for writing a scenary of a film.

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