
Tekst fra - English

  • Scientific curved the head to honour this true Religion,

  • Scientific curved the head to honour this true Religion, In this Research i was keen to make the Reader live In an Atmosphere of Scientific Research, For the greatness of the Day of Resurrections Events ,the facts, and the possibility of occurrence Modern reasoning in everything I had from scientific Sources and contemporary Arab and Western Research More faith and conviction in the greatness of Allah Creator of heavens and the ability to creat again, To show that Islam gave the Standing that Science is unprecedented in other Religions , Despite the revelation of the Qur'aan by the Centuries before of modern Science, But no one can prove its scientific errors, And if it was a Human speech for this was impossible, We find that God Almighty used scientific Facts, and swear by the cosmic Phenomena which is created by God that real of Day of Resurrections , In that Day all Human will know what gain and what to bring, What made and delayed , On the Day of resurrection will see Everyone What made, like certainty display

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    • Scientific curved the head to honour this true Religion, In this Research i was keen to make the Reader live In an Atmosphere of Scientific Research, For the greatness of the Day of Resurrections Events ,the facts, and the possibility of occurrence Modern reasoning in everything I had from scientific Sources and contemporary Arab and Western Research More faith and conviction in the greatness of Allah Creator of heavens and the ability to creat again, To show that Islam gave the Standing that Science is unprecedented in other Religions , Despite the revelation of the Qur'aan by the Centuries before of modern Science, But no one can prove its scientific errors, And if it was a Human speech for this was impossible, We find that God Almighty used scientific Facts, and swear by the cosmic Phenomena which is created by God that real of Day of Resurrections , In that Day all Human will know what gain and what to bring, What made and delayed , On the Day of resurrection will see Everyone What made, like certainty display
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