
Rédigé par Flo_BS - English

  • political science

    • Discourse on voluntary servitude - Etienne de la Boétie – 1548 Principal idea : - Etienne de la Boétie ensures power isn't good wether it belongs to one or several masters.
    • He's curious to know how could a monarchy ( England ) with one lord can belong to the Commonwealth since the entire wealth of the country belongs to this lord.
    • - To him, it is preposterous that so many men can accept the submission to someone.
    • If million of people do not react to quell the power of one, it is not called cowardice.
  • It has no name.
  • Populations scorn freedom.
    • - Plus, it would suffice if only people could (im not sure of this tense) only feel the desire tu be free, it will deliver us.
    • Indeed, the tyrant is not really the one who forces people to obey, people gives him everything before he ever uses force.
  • It is why he talks about a voluntary servitude.
  • But how can the willingness of submission be so deeply rooted among the people ?
  • 3 reasons for Etienne De la Boétie : 1.
    • Custom of the submission : - It is not natural to submit to anything or to someone.
    • Even if Nature do not give us equal parts.
    • If someone is stronger than somebody, it is to help this very one weaker person.
    • That is because Nature is fair and inequality is unatural.
    • We have the example with beasts : as we try to tame them, they fight back.
    • So it is natural for the Man to be free and to feel free.
    • - But some of them can not feel this, because they' re born under the yoke.
    • Therefore, they naturally obey the tyrant without any regret, considering their condition is natural.
  • Indeed, we never regret what we never had.
    • Nature has less power over us than custom.
  • Only education and knowledge can wake them up. 2.
    • Manipulation of the people : Tyrants use leisure activities such as theatres, brothels … To occupy the spirit of the people and they also set up a doubt in their minds wether they may be more than a man.
  • They manipulate them with supersitions and religion.
    • Gullible person believed in misleading stories sometimes invented by some foolish people themselves. 3.
    • The search of interests, benefits from tyrants When a tyrant appears, many want to take advantage of his powerful situation.
    • But it is actually a mutual benefit.
    • As his valets are getting powerful and wealthier, the tyrant can remain the pyramidal structure of the society which he has the control from the very top of it.
    • It would suffice that one of his valet breaks this structure to return to freedom.