
نص من - English

  • Parenting

    • When the subject is parenting one of the most controversial aspect of discussion it is for much and what the parents should teach to their sons.
    • In my opinion, parents should be apart from their sons as soon as possible.
    • The history has proofed that the family institution brought our society to the level of development the we are today.
    • According to Freud, our society was built when the men created the rule of prohibition of incest.
    • The human kind had achieved such development that family is no longer need.
    • The psychoanalyze reveals that family is a fundamental stone to a person, however it can also harm her for a lifetime.
    • A traumatized kid will grown-up as a problematic adult.
    • The state should take guard of the kids in early ages before they start creating feelings about their parents.
    • In this way, we can create powerful kids, which can grow into a stable man who does not care about oedipal conflicts.
    • My idea is not original, the Greek philosopher Plato has suggested something similar to that in his famous book 'The Republic'.
    • Moreover, this is a natural step of the evolution.
    • Creatures who are not attached to feelings are more able to succeed in the nature of the struggle rather than big crying babies.
  • If parents want the best for the kids, they might want let the word teach them the most of the lessons.
    • I am not a parent, so maybe it is easier to me say that, I believe in practice would be tough let a loved one live far from you, specially your own son.

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