
Poruka od AlexTownes - English

  • The Chukchie Folk-tale

    • A Raven and an Arctic fox A raven and an Arctic fox were neighbors.
    • The raven used to get up early in the morning to go to fishing and hunting.
  • Once upon a time on his long, long way to fishing and hunting he finds a huge iaranga (chukchie dwelling made of sturdy beams and reindeer skin), the entrance to which is closed.
    • He climbs on the top of the dwelling and peeps into the hole, and sees there a large herd of deer.
  • Right next to it there is a woman currying skin (getting it ready to be used for clothes, etc).
  • The raven chose a calf to be his bag.
  • After he’d spat on the calf, it died right away.
  • She noticed the dead calf and threw it away.
  • He picked up his bag and dragged it to his house.
    • While cooking his meal, the Arctic fox, the Raven's neighbor, scented the smell of the meal and decided to find out the way to get food asking his neighbor.
  • Next day the Arctic fox found the huge iaranga with the woman and her large herd.
    • The Arctic fox was so greed that he chose the biggest deer.
    • He spat on the deer so it died.
  • Again, the woman noticed the dead deer and threw it away.
  • The Arctic fox occurred at once.
  • But the bag was so big that it was unbearable for him to drag it.
  • And he shouted for help.
  • Having heard someone’s voice, the woman came out from the iaranga and saw the Arctic fox.
    • She stroked him with a timber, and the Arctic fox ran out of sight.
    • Since that time Arctic fox eats only carrion.