
Texto de phoenixfly88 - English

  • Job Statement

  • As a highly-motivated pharmacist within the medicines evaluation and clinical epidemiology field, I have a proven track record of providing high quality technical, scientific and administrative support to public bodies and academic organizations in both France and Colombia.
  • Indeed, I’m currently a human medicines evaluator at the French National Authority for Health (HAS), who is the official health technology assessment body of this country.
  • In this position, I’ve been able to gain highly valuable knowledge and experience in drug development, clinical trials methodology and systematic reviews of literature.
  • This experience have complemented my previous knowledge in those fields, gained thorough my academic training and research internships in clinical epidemiology and biostatistics.
  • My professional and academic record prove my commitment to my job, my degree of accountability, and my capacities of successfully manage projects working both individually and as a part of a team.
  • I have also advanced communication skills both oral and written in English, French and Spanish.
    • As I strongly believe that a better coordination between pre-clinical and clinical research is needed to reduce redundancy and to improve their quality, I’m excited to candidate for the position that you’re offering within the COMET initiative.
  • I’m confident that I will be able to rapidly adapt myself to the work environment and be a valuable part of your research team.


  • Título
  • Oración 1
    • As a highly-motivated pharmacist within the medicines evaluation and clinical epidemiology field, I have a proven track record of providing high quality technical, scientific and administrative support to public bodies and academic organizations in both France and Colombia.
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    • ¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 1¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 1
  • Oración 2
    • Indeed, I’m currently a human medicines evaluator at the French National Authority for Health (HAS), who is the official health technology assessment body of this country.
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    • ¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 2¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 2
  • Oración 3
    • In this position, I’ve been able to gain highly valuable knowledge and experience in drug development, clinical trials methodology and systematic reviews of literature.
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    • ¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 3¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 3
  • Oración 4
    • This experience have complemented my previous knowledge in those fields, gained thorough my academic training and research internships in clinical epidemiology and biostatistics.
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    • ¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 4¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 4
  • Oración 5
    • My professional and academic record prove my commitment to my job, my degree of accountability, and my capacities of successfully manage projects working both individually and as a part of a team.
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    • ¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 5¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 5
  • Oración 6
  • Oración 7
    • As I strongly believe that a better coordination between pre-clinical and clinical research is needed to reduce redundancy and to improve their quality, I’m excited to candidate for the position that you’re offering within the COMET initiative.
      ¡Vota ahora!
    • As I strongly believe that a better coordination between pre-clinical and clinical research is needed to reduce redundancy and to improve their quality, I am excited to candidate for the position that you’re offering within the COMET initiative.
    • ¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 7¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 7
  • Oración 8