
Scriptum ab hello_413 - English

    • fight with wife in silent

    • yesterday my cousin brother called me when i was working at my workplace.He asked me out for dinner and i accepted it.The plan was he would drive to my workplace to catch me at 7pm when i got off of work,and then we would drink some together somewhere nearby my home .The plan was good .but yes ,it was just a plan。Then i called my wife to tell her about the plan,she said she couldnot go with us because she had a lot of job not finished.the good news was she could do the job on computer at home intead of the company.the bad news was she didn't carry the key of our home with herself ! i had to sent the key to her frist while she was long far away from me.This was not the worst .The worst was when my wife had waited for me for more than a hour and a half at 8pm,my cousin brother didn't appear yet !
  • He told me that he was in a terrible traffic jam ! it was 9pm o'clock when my brother met me and my wife had already been home .i didn't know how she got in the room but i turely known she was very mad.it was not all my fault .so when i got home at 2o'clock am wiht little drunk she had already fall in sleep.the result was we did not talk to eachother till now


  • titulus
  • Sententia 1
    • yesterday my cousin brother called me when i was working at my workplace.He asked me out for dinner and i accepted it.The plan was he would drive to my workplace to catch me at 7pm when i got off of work,and then we would drink some together somewhere nearby my home .The plan was good .but yes ,it was just a plan。Then i called my wife to tell her about the plan,she said she couldnot go with us because she had a lot of job not finished.the good news was she could do the job on computer at home intead of the company.the bad news was she didn't carry the key of our home with herself ! i had to sent the key to her frist while she was long far away from me.This was not the worst .The worst was when my wife had waited for me for more than a hour and a half at 8pm,my cousin brother didn't appear yet !
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    • yYesterday my cousin brother called me when iI was working at my workplace. He asked me out for dinner and i accepted it.The plan was that he would drive to my workplace to catch mepick me up at 7pm when iI got off of work,and then we would drink somgo and drink a little together somewhere nearby my home .The plan was good .,but yes ,it was just a plan。T. I then i called my wife to tell her about the plan, unfortunately she said she could not go with us because she had a lot of job not finished.tunfinished work. The good news was she could do the jobwork on a computer at home instead of at the company.t The bad news was she didn't carry the key tof our home with herself ! iI had to sentgive the key to her frirst while she was long far away from me.Tstill at the company but this was non't the worst part.The worst was when my wifpart I got to my wife afer she had waited for me for more than an hour and a half at 8pm,nd my cousin brother didn't appear yet !still hadn't showed up.
  • Sententia 2
    • He told me that he was in a terrible traffic jam ! it was 9pm o'clock when my brother met me and my wife had already been home .i didn't know how she got in the room but i turely known she was very mad.it was not all my fault .so when i got home at 2o'clock am wiht little drunk she had already fall in sleep.the result was we did not talk to eachother till now
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