
Text from Jkz93 - English

  • How to get rid of stress?

  • How to get rid of stress?
  • We live in very stressful world a lot of work, a lot of duties and so on and so forth…In my opinion we sometimes specifically create it.
  • We create a problem out of nothing.
    • How I am personally get rid of stress?
  • I start do some exercise for me press, do sit-ups.
  • 15 minutes is enough to avoid it.
  • But when I am strongly irritated by something I start to wash floor.
  • And what a miracle!
  • There is no any wickedness, irritation.
    • But when there is no opportunity to do it, I mean when you argue with somebody (it will be a little strange if you lie down on the floor and begin to swing the press ahaha) I start to count to 10, it helps avoiding to say something wrong.
  • I reckon that everything must be approached with humor.
  • After all, as you know laughter prolongs life.
    • So less nervous, try to remake everything as a joke.