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  • My favorite country

  • Hello.
    • My name is Marina and I want to tell you about my travel's experience to Italy.
    • Lots of years I dreamt about Italy.
    • I always really liked always italian movies, italian music, the Italia like a country with the great history, italian foods, especially italian ice-cream.
    • Some years ago I've started to learn italian language.
    • And once I bought the tickets and I and my friend came to this amazing country.
    • And also one of my dream was to live in a small town throw the citizens and without the tourists.
    • So I found one wonderful place in 30 kilometres from Rome, we had to take train to go to the rome every day.
  • But it was a really great experience and I enjoyed doing it.
    • One of my favorite things to do in Italy is going to the bar in morning, take a coffee and croissane and be happy listening italian language, speaking, smiling, enjoy looking at the people.
    • We visited lots of places in Rome and around the rome.
    • Next time I arrived to Rome to study Italian in school.
    • That was pure awesome.
    • I didn't know italian enought and I didn't know English at all.
    • But in obe week I could speak Italian more or less.
    • Last year I with my friends we went to Verona's opera festival.
    • That is another time when I get so many emotions.
    • Now I'm trying to go to the Italy every year.
  • I love this country more and more.
    • Last year I've started to learn English.
    • And I most improve my language skills.

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