
Text from Natashe4ka - English

  • People help,please

  • hello!
  • Correct my text,please) The author's communicative aim is to teach people, it is better to understand the acquaintances and relatives.
  • The title of this story is symbolic.
  • It shows us excerpt from proverb: " a friend in need is a friend indeed".
  • The action takes place in Kobe.
  • At the beginning of this story, the author describes us that the first impression about people usually is always deceptive.
  • In this he found in his personal experience.
  • It is an exposition.
  • Further on we learnt about the incident that had happened Kobe.
  • The author begins to describe us his acquaintance.
  • They got acquaintanced in the British Club.
  • Barton is a protagonist of this story.
  • He is a dynamic round character.
  • The author shows him indirectly on the one hand.
  • Readers can think that Barton is reliable, kind,sympathy and not conflict.
  • He has a big family.
  • His friend tells Maugham story of his namesake Lenny Burton,who is a remarkable player of 35 years old and doesn't have money to pay his hotel bill and in need of money and work.
  • During their conversation his friend knows that this player in his youth is not a bad swimmer,but over the years has lost skills.
  • Barton has the idea to invite him to a dispute that his namesake lose.
  • The out come of this story is the last Barton's actions in which he shows the essence of a cynical and cowardly man.