
Texto de TanyaDudkina - English

    • friend in need

  • The author's communicative aim is to make us reconsider our attitude to our close surrounding, he means our friends.
    • The theme of this story is friendship.
    • The authors raises different acute problems between friends: a problem of wrong in others, a problem of misunderstanding, a poblem of belive and inbelieve and so on.
  • The title of this story is symbolic.
    • It shows us excerpt from proverb: a friend in need is a friend indeed.
    • At the beginning of this story the author describes his thoughts about the fact that the 1st impression of a man is always deceptive.
    • In this he found in his personal life experiences.
  • It's an exposition.
  • The action takes place in Kobe.
    • In the plot of this story the author talks us how he remembers one of the stories connected with his friend, who is named Edward Hyde Burton.
  • Burton is a pleasant man with good manners as he always considers.
    • The authors shows him indirectly.The author thinks that he is a gentle, kind and not conflict person.
    • Also he has a very friendly family who looks like as a united and loving one.
    • Burton tells Maugham story of his namesake - Lenny Burton who is a remarkable player of 35 years old. and doesn't have money to pay his hotel bill and in need of money and work.
    • During their conversation his friend knows that this player in yputh is not a bad swimmer, but over the years has lost skills.
    • At this moment Burton has the idea to invite him to a dispute that his namesake lose.
    • It's the climacs of this story.
    • The out come of this story is the last Burton's actions in which he shows the essence of a cynical and cowardly man.