
Text from nikanoricon - English

  • Topics of Nature. 1.1

    • A single mycelium of honey agaric can live on an area of more than ten hectares and has a weight of approximately a hundred tons, and also it may live about a thousand years.
    • However, there is a problem, how to detect its borders exactly.
    • Canadian mycologists propose following technique: mapping mutations a fungus on a large area.
    • A mycelium is divided, stretched and spread around the area, and is organized root-like thick strands called rhizomorphs.
  • Fruiting bodies are formed along rhizomorphs and release haploid spores when two parent nuclei are merged.
  • If a mutation appeared result in a merging, then daughter cells that further along strands will be intact from it.
  • This mutation might be eliminated from daughters cells with a normal allele.
  • As the mushroom lives in the same way as two-dimensional space, their mutations map demonstrate this evolutionary processes in time.