
Tekstong galing sa MARIA1996 - English


    • So, at this moment I'm preparing for IELTS cause we're having this exam soon at my university, but also, I wanna get the IELTS' certification in order to get a good job.
    • Who knows, maybe in one year I'll already buld my carreer in a certain area or maybe I'll decide to continue my study in another country.
    • More than that, by preparing for the exam, you improve your language, it's always helpful, I must say, cause we live in the centure of information, where the English language plays quite an important role.
    • So, we have 2 lessons in a week at our university, but I spend more time learning it, as sometimes, I read English news or watch movies on this language.
    • It seems to me that I must pay more attention on listening cause sometimes it's quite hard to hear some words clearly.
    • Also, I must speak with foreigners more.
    • I consider that if you want to write this exam well, its better to do exrcises every day during minimum 30 minutes.

Pakiusap, tumulong sa pagtatama sa mga pangungusap! - English