
Tekst fra NguyenHoang0406 - English

  • My late summer vacation (with link to the pictures)

    • Being a university student, I didn't have the chance to take a vacation as early as others.
    • However, the experience was amazing ,especially when I visited Tràng An and Bái Đính.
    • Please look into my photo album (click the link below) for the pictures.
    • The whole trip took me about a half month (1 week and 5 days).
  • Half of the time was spent at my uncle's home in Hải Dương.
    • Since it was a country side, there were not many kind of activities.
    • But living with my long distance relatives living in a Northern culture (I'm from the South), I've learnt many things about their culture, their business... which is kind of different form mine (will share them in the next entries).
    • After spending 1 week laying my ass of while doing nothing (lucky for me that I brought my laptop, no internet, though) I came back to Hải Phòng city and stayed at my aunt's house.
    • Sadly, I didn't go anywhere except going for a walk along the river side in the neighborhood because my cousin went to school and he had to take extra classes until 8PM.
  • I just simply surfed the internet and played with my laptop at that point.
    • After all, we'd planned to went to some place (I didn't know exactly where) on friday and saturday.
    • On friday, we went to Đồ Sơn beach.
  • I was disappointed, you can't say it's beautiful no matter how many times you look at it.
    • The sea water was BROWN, and by brown, I means muddy brown.
  • It was as if we went to a giant puddle but with more people swimming with us.
    • There also wasn't any sunshine at all, so after swimming for only for 5 minutes, both my father and me went back to our seat and took a nap,had some snacks instead and we went home 45 minutes later.
    • But saturday morning's trip was completely different.
    • It was the trip in which I took the most pictures.
    • The river was so clear that you could almost see it's bottom.
  • You can also use the extras paddle on the the boat to row for fun (except when we went inside the caves, I rowed during the whole trip).
    • I don't want to describe anything more because I think my writing is not good enough to describe the beautifulness of its, it's better for you to look at my pictures.
  • The afternoon's trip was okay, maybe because I tend to like exploring nature instead of visiting temples.
    • I say it because the Bái Đính is considered the largest complex of Buddhist temples.
    • Not counting the giant statue, there more the 10000 mini statue laid inside the wall along the hall.
    • For your information, if you want to put a statue in there and have your name written with under it, you have to pay 50 million dong (more than 2200 dollars).
    • It was nothing more than a normal sightseeing for me, but I still managed to take some pretty nice picture, though.
    • The pictures I've uploaded are just the ones I think beautiful the most.
  • If you want, I'll upload a full album and send you a link.
  • Hope you like them.
  • https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009483269034&sk=photos&collection_token=100009483269034%3A2305272732%3A69&set=a.1475891276070300.1073741827.100009483269034&type=3