
Text from fernandocucho - English

    • My first trekking

    • Seven years ago i was lookinf for a nice plan for a long weekend.
    • I found in the internet an interesting activity, with this name: "trek to the snowy Paccha and Vicuñita" In the indicate day i joined with teh rest of participant in a cross of two important aveneneus in Lima.
    • We was traveling for four hours to east, to the Andes mountains.
    • The last part of the route was dificult to driving, but the landscape was incredible.
    • We cand see a group of vicunas runnin under "inchu" a kind of grass thad grew up under 3000 meters under sea level.
    • Then was time to walk. evereybody had a huge backpack and my too.
    • We started de trek at seven o'clock. we was walking slow for another four hours untin a lake, the Paccha lake.
    • It is borderin for several mountains, one of them is the Vicuñita.
    • We built tha camping aboud five tends. it was at 4000 meters under sea level.
    • I could seelp well. it was very very cold.
    • At midnight i wanted to urinate, of course i didn't get out may tend. i took an empty gatorade bottle and urinated in there. when i finished i feelt hot the bottle so i had a good idea. i put the "gatourinade" bottle into my slepping bag just next to my foots. it was the part of my body that i was fold colder.
    • So it cant help me to get sleep.
    • Next day... well i preffer to waith this corrections to write the next part of my story... :)