
Сообщение от Caroline-mj - English

  • The new article

    • Hello !
    • I wrote a new article and my blog, and I tried to translate it.
    • So I asked you your help, because, I'm really not sure of the result.
    • Because of the longer of the text, I published him in two parts.
    • You can find the original in my blog : http://caroline-mjc.skyrock.com/3257914500-Le-tresor-cache.html Thank you a lot.
    • The leaf go away in front of him, slowly push by the breath of wind.
    • He walked quietly along the beach; steer clear of many people who took a walk.
    • The sea gain of coast of white sand.
    • The gull chatted on the little pontoon who bordered the ocean.
    • But their scream didn’t get to his ears because of the sound of the town.
    • Here, there are traders of curiosity, of tee-shirt, of souvenir… here there are traders of hot dog and fries.
    • His step slow down and he inclined his head when he saw the little building named “pet shop”.
    • Then, after to see the unfortunately doggy be dressed and make up, he take again his way.
    • He passed much closed to a young man, focused to read his newspaper, walked during a few minutes and then take the first left.
  • This place doesn’t value his little piece of sand, but it will be enough.
    • At few step of this place, George continued to read his newspaper.
  • 7 news castings.
  • Only two where he can pretend to have a little chance. Hum.
  • The young man turned the page.
    • After all this way to be in the most famous town of the word of the cinema, he never was so far of Hollywood.
  • So, that’s life!
    • He’ll continue to serve this horrible coffee during yet few years.
    • And, maybe one day, he’ll finish to enter in Hollywood studios… Gaspard scampered in the sand to the perfect place; neither too exhibited of curious haze, neither too exhibited of the breath that, on a good traitor, brings back the good odor of his trophy to his friend, and unfriends.
    • He dropped his bones on the sand, he listened once more time the few sound around of him, looked on the left, looked on the right, and, when he thought that time was arrived, he began to dig.

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