
Сообщение от Brocky - English

    • What is the best way for decison making?

    • The prompt:Some people believe that the best way of learning about life is by listening to the advice of family and friends.
    • Other people believe that the best way of learning about life is through personal experience.
  • Compare the advantages of these two different ways of learning about life.
    • Which do you think is pref-erable?
    • Use specific examples to support your preference Decision making is critical in our life, many people have different opinions and thoughts when it comes to what is the best thing a person should do when he is learning about life.
    • Some would argue that the best thing is to seek help and advice from family and friends who already experienced such situations.
    • Others disagree and choose to live and experience the situation and solve the situation on your own.
    • In my humble opinion, I prefer the first one for some reasons.
    • Firstly, listening to the advices that come from family and friends is more valuable for somone who is trying to learn about life and stand on his own feet.
    • Most of the eldery people have faced similar situations, or even have friends who overcome it.
    • Asking them for advice would be beneficial to make the proper decision in importance trials that we may face in our life.
    • For example, when I graduated from high school 3 years ago in Batna, I did not know what to choose as a major in the universities, because there were a plenty of options that I can take, which made it hard to choose which best to choose among them.
    • After I consulted my brother, and friends that I know who already studied at university and know the ins and the outs of these majors due to studying them or having friends who are studying them.
    • I helped me in learning about what are the majors going to cover, and what are its priniciple, especially for the career matter.
    • I was able to choose comfortably safety engineering as a major whithout having doubt of it, and I loved it because I was totaly aware of what is going to be in it which helped me to score well in my exams and I passed a memorable graduation in it.
    • As you can see, learning from family and friends is a vital choice to survive in the society and not only that, but to make sure to make the proper decision in your life that you will not regret latter on.
    • Secondly, for those who holds the opinion of learning about life would be best if somone experience the event by himself and then decide what is the best thing that suits him.
    • This is a good opportunity for those who are trying to discover life by themselves, and not base their decision making on others.
    • However, this may not the best solution for all apsects of life, especially things that may take time to learn about.
    • For instance, I have my friend who graduated with me in high school, he was an intelligent person in class.
    • He decided to pick a major without consulting anyone, thinking himself he will handle it by himself.
    • After he choosed to study biology, he started his courses normal in his classes.
    • When I meet with him two months later, I was shocked when he told me that he's going to drop the classes because he sees no interest in them anymore, and he discovered that he should study chemistry instead of biology.
    • Unfourtenately, he failled in his exams, and the next year he applied for chemistry.
    • And as a result, he wasted one year of his life that he could prevent it by asking for help and clarification from family or friends who have background on these matters.
    • As you can see, a person can learn by himself without need to others, but absolutely this would take a lot of his time that he should spend on beneficial things by learning from the experience of family and friends.
  • To sum it up, life is a game.
    • Only the smart people who will take advantage on it, and find ways to conqure it.
    • Definitely learning from family and friends is an ideal choice to make, some of the people prefer to take risk on judging things on their own prospectives.
    • However, this would cost them time that it would be better for them to spend it on things that would help them more.
    • As for me, I highly encourage people to listen to the advice of family and friends who already experienced life before us.

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