
Texto de Ignacio777 - English

    • The golden rules to learn a new language:

  • 1- Motivation: What is meant by motivation?
    • Motivation can be defined as the interest or individual inclination to learn (Gardner, 1985).
    • It is thus an internal drive, an inner strength that moves us to act in a certain way.
    • There is normally a component of the attitude that is accompanied by a positive disposition 3 For a critical review of the main theories of second language acquisition, Ellis (1985), chapter 10, pp is recommended.
  • 148-282, and Lighbown and Spada (1994), Chapter 3, pp. 19-31.
  • 3 towards learning.
    • Without motivation we can not study a new language.
    • Indeed, without motivation we can not do anything.
    • How can we stay motivated in a while sustainably?
    • The best thing here is to get together with people who are with the same goals as us, for example, going to cafes language studies, being in a group whatsapp the same language, be multilingual forums, everything that relates to keep our people contacted with similar tastes.
    • That will keep us motivated in time.
  • 2- Constancy and time: If you think that studying a language is to study a Monday and then go back to school on Thursday and then leave a week will go wrong.
  • Luca Lampariello advice polyglot study an hour a day, but every day constantly.
  • It's like going to the gym if you're not one day to three and then another day if you two do not, the process will not work successfully.
  • In other words, the biggest mistake that people when trying to learn English (or another language) is to study a few weeks or months, then quit.
  • Study a little, occasionally.
  • Pick up from the beginning a few months or years later.
  • 3 Unfortunately, that describes the strategy of most language learners I've ever met.
  • Beginners are eternal, that appear at the beginning of the course or after the new year, and then fade.
  • 4- According Lampariello (and by that I very much agree), "the most effective way to learn a language is to do a little every day.
  • If you're not doing that, you can have any method in the world, and you are not going to help.
  • " 5- Do not study grammar: Tim Ferris was very clear that anyone can learn to speak any language fluently in a 8-12 weeks including those hardest languages like Chinese, Japanese and Arabic.
  • It said you had to skip the step of studying the language, and go to speak the language.
  • 6- Once you have mastered the language, then you can start to study the grammar of that language.
  • Do the opposite (method academy) it is making years are slow to master soft languages (English, Italian, French ...).
  • It is proven scientifically to study grammar from the beginning all he does is discouraged and confused.
  • Notice that we first learned the language fluently and then from age seven began to study grammar.
  • So the advice is: first learn the language and then the grammar, but confounded with so many boring and incomprehensible rules.
  • By learning vocabulary 7- Quantity is not the most important, if not quality.
  • Of course the higher amount of vocabulary knowledge, the easier it is to communicate, but it is much better to know 10 words really well, 100 or so, because the most important thing is to use words you know in a real conversation or in a written we're doing.
  • The only words that come naturally to mind when we're talking in English, will be those that have more internalized, that is, that we have heard many times, and that we used in our practices.
  • You need to know all the information related to every word we learn in order to have the ability to actually use it when we need it in the right context.
  • Knowing the pronunciation and grammar.
  • Most importantly, when using the word and how to use it.
  • Always quality over quantity.
  • Even native English speakers do not know many words.
  • English is a language with a lot of vocabulary.
  • Native speakers know around 20,000 word families, ie groups of related words.
  • For example eat, ate, eaten, eats, eating, etc. This is a family of words is counted in the 20,000 mentioned.
  • That number, 20,000 families of words, our goal should be learning.
  • It's a great goal to achieve.
  • But, you do not have to learn those 20,000 words in a day or in a week or even a year.
  • A suitable time for this is 20 years, which is the time that native speakers are made to learn so many words and is also a good time for us.
  • We will never finish learning English, and there will always be more to learn, do not worry about the number or quantity of words we know, remember that the main thing is quality, not quantity.
  • Concerned primarily on the quality, quantity and ditch, the latter will grow over time, even without realizing it, is well take 20 years to learn all the vocabulary.
  • 8- Once you already hold a basic conversation in the language you are learning, is a group where its components are native speakers and practice where some hobby that you like: walking, dancing, poker ...
  • 9- Learn listening and reading.
  • The famous Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges knew more than five languages, but the

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