從Ignacio777來的文本 - English

  • The golden rules to learn a new language:

  • 1-motivation: what is meant by motivation?
  • Motivation can be defined as the interest or individual learn tilt (Gardner, 1985).
  • It is thus an internal momentum, an inner strength that moves us to act in a certain way.
  • There is usually a component of the attitude that comes accompanied by a positive provision 3 for a critical review of the main theories of second language acquisition, Ellis (1985), Chapter 10, pp. is recommended 148-282, and Lighbown and Spada (1994), Chapter 3, pp. 19-31.
  • 3 towards learning.
  • Without motivation we can not study a new language.
  • Truly, without motivation we can do nothing.
  • How can we keep us motivated in a time sustainably?
  • The best in this case is to get together with people who are with the same objectives as us, for example: go to cafes from the language studies, be in a whatsapp from the same language group, living in multilingual forums, everything that relates to keep contact with people with similar tastes.
  • That will keep us motivated over time.
  • 2.-proof and time: If you think that studying a language is to study a Monday and then return to studies a Thursday and then leave it for a week, you will go wrong.
  • Polyglot as Luca Lampariello advise to study one hour per day, but every day constantly.
  • It's like going to the gym if you go one day and three non- and then another day if you and two is not, won't the process with good results.
  • That the biggest mistake committed by people trying to learn English (or another language) is studying a few weeks or months, and then leave it.
  • Study it a little, from time to time.
  • Resume from the beginning a few months or years later. 3.
  • Unfortunately, that describes the strategy of the majority of language students has ever known.
  • They are eternal beginners, which appear at the beginning of the course or after new year, and then fade. 4.
  • According to Lampariello (and with that very agree), "the most effective way to learn a language is to do a little every day.
  • If you are not doing that, you can have any method in the world, and it not going to help." 5. do not study grammar: Tim Ferris had very clear that anyone can learn to speak any language in a way that is fluent in 8 - 12 weeks, including those more hard as Chinese, Japanese, and Arabic languages.
  • So I said that you should skip the step study the language, and switch to speak the language. 6.
  • Once you have already mastered language, then you can begin to study the grammatical aspects of the language.
  • Does it backwards (method Academy) is what makes that it will take years to master soft languages (English, Italian, French...).
  • It is proven scientifically to be studied from the very beginning grammar only thing it does is discourage us and confuse us.
  • Notice that we first learned the language fluently and then from age seven began to study grammar.
  • Then, the advice is: first study the language and grammar, but confuses you with so many boring and incomprehensible rules.
  • 7. to learn vocabulary the amount is not the most important, if not the quality.
  • Of course entering more vocabulary we know, the greater the ease to communicate, but is much better know 10 words really well, that 100 more or less, since the most important thing is to use what we know into a real conversation, or in a writing that we are making.
  • The only words that will naturally come to our mind when we talk in English, will be the ones we have more internalized, that is, that we have them heard many times, and we used them at our practices.It is necessary to know all the information related to each word that we learn, in order to have the ability to use it when in fact we need it in the proper context.
  • Know the pronunciation and grammar.
  • More importantly, when to use the word and how to use it.
  • Always quality over quantity.
  • Even native English speakers do not know many words.
  • English is a language with a large amount of vocabulary.
  • Native speakers know around 20,000 families of words, i.e. words interrelated groups.
  • For example, eat, ate, eaten, eats, eating, etc. This is a family of words that is counted within the above 20,000.
  • That number, 20000 families of words, must be our goal of learning.
  • It is a great goal to reach.
  • But, you don't have to learn those 20000 words in a day, a week, or even a year.
  • Adequate time for this is 20 years, which is the time that native speakers are taken to learn so many words and also is a good time for us.
  • We will never finish learning English, because there is always more to learn, do not worry by the number or the number of words we know, remember that the main thing is the quality and not the quantity.
  • Mainly quality care, and forget about the quantity, is last will grow over time, even without us knowing, okay take us 20 years to learn all that vocabulary. 8.
  • Once you can already hold a basic conversation in the language you are learning, is a group where its components are native speakers of the language, and where they practice an

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