
Poruka od Ignacio777 - English

  • The Flight of the Hawk

  • A king received as flattery two small hawks and gave them to the teacher of falconry so that it trained them.
  • Spent some months, the teacher informed to him to the king who one of the hawks was perfectly, but that to the other, that did not know it then happened to him not it had moved of the branch where it left it, from the day that arrived.
  • The king commanded to call to healers and healers so that they saw the hawk, but nobody could make fly it.
  • On the following day the monarch decided to communicate to his town that would offer a reward to the person who made fly to the hawk.
  • The morning following, he saw to the hawk flying agilely by the gardens.
  • The king told him to his cut: — Bring me to the author of this miracle.
  • Its cut took to a humble farmer.
  • The king asked to him: —Did You make fly to the hawk?
  • How you did it?
  • You are perhaps a magician?
  • Intimidated the farmer it told him to the king: — It was easy, my Gentleman, I only cut the branch and the hawk flew, that occurred to account of had wings and it leaved to fly.
  • We reach heights before somebody cuts our branch to us.