
Текст од MajaBoselova - English

  • Cover letter for Youth Exchange Program

    • Dear ..., My name is .., I am .. years old now and I am writing to you to apply for the International Youth Exchange Program which takes place (city, country).
  • I would like to spend time from 1st to 15th of October in this gorgeous historical city thanks to your organization.
    • Currently, I am a student of Charles University in Prague and also of State School of Music in (city).
    • My study programme is ...at the university and ... in the music school.
    • I would honour the opportunity if you accept me for this programme, because it can means a lot for my personal skill development, it can broaden my horizons and expand my interests.
    • Firstly, this project is very addressing to me due to its intercultural character and focus on full set of skills and activities.
  • It would be one of the first experiences abroad for me, and hopefully, it can lead to cooperation on similar projects in the future.
    • In my free time I am trying to improve my English and I prepare myself to achieve a certificate at the (institution).
  • I find this a great and very efficient method to improve my communication skills and to get to know many young people with interests related to mine.
  • Moreover, discussions and workshops about fighting stereotypes, intercultural exchange or ecology completely absorb me.
    • Nowadays I contribute to volunteering programme at the orphanage, which aim is to help to these children with English and other foreign languages.
    • In a .. project offered by you I can improve not only my language skills but I want to know and comprehend better behaviour of other people and their attitudes towards various problems.
  • I would like to be more social and open and to raise my emotional intelligence.
    • I would be very grateful if you consider my application and give me a chance to participate on Erasmus plus programme in (city) and support my endeavour to my personal development and through that to affect points of view of other Slovak people and make them to be more open to another cultures and try to tolerate different opinions (at least a bit).
  •  Thank you very much in advance for your consideration.
    • Yours faithfully