
Text from Brocky - English

    • Is it worth it to move to different places?

    • Life has many good things in it, and the only way of discovering them and living them is by interacting with them, by living them, some people believe being in one place for their entire life is the best.
    • Others argue that moving from place to another several times through their lives is the ideal life.
    • In my humble opinion, I prefer changing my place of living for two reasons.
  • First reason is studying abroad, and this will help you by enhancing your knowledge and discovering different cultures through out the world.
    • It will also help by allowing you to have a better job that you would be have if you stay in your area.
  • For example, after my graduation in my master degree in safety engineering.
    • I went studying abroad in France in order to enhance my knowledge background, after my arriving, it was a bit challenging at the begining, however, after a the first month, I adapted the new way of living, and I emerged in the society with the different cutlures it has.
    • I had an internship in a Total company for a period of 6 months, and after my graduation, I was hired by the company due to my effective working, especially after demonstrating that I'm responsible enough to handle different tasks even working under pressure, which impressed the manager stuff, and request for me to work with them.
    • And After my graduation, I started with my new job, that helped me a lot either by supporting myself finanicially, or by helping the company in increasing its productivity and reducing risks that occurs in the plant.
    • As you can see, changing the place where to live for studying abroad or seeking job is an amazing experience.
    • The second reason is looking for a better climat, especially if you are living in an area that has a very harsh weather.
    • And it would be better to establish in a place where it has a nice climat in order to enjoy your life.
    • For instance, when I was working in my company, it was in the north part of France, it was very cold in winter, and I used to struggle a lot with it, especially when snow storms occurs time to time.
  • It was not easy to get outside of the company or the house in that time.
    • Which stricked me and didn't give me the chance in visiting the park, nor even hanging out with friends.
    • And that's why I had to move to the south-west in order to be in a moderate climat, which helped me psychologically, and allowed me to enjoy being outside with friends and family.
    • And it had a great impace on my job, which allowed me to perform well in my company.
    • As you can see, changing the place where you live for the sake of having a better the climat is definitely a great solution.
    • To sum it up, many people who hold the opinion that staying in the place that you are born in and establishing your life there is good.
  • On the other hand, others argue that changing the place that you live for other purposes is better.
    • For me I prefer moving on to different places not because you will have a better climat, but you would also have a better career and enhance your background knowledge.
    • And I highly encourage people to do it.