
текст з - English

    • A sudden realization about avoiding repeating mistake

    • Before, I thought language was such as "a bunch of codes you use to communicate" and to understand language, you just need to understand the "rules".
    • Which means the contents would be the same and it's just that we have different ways to deliver it.
    • And by saying "rules", I means it's absolute and you have to follow it just because "it's the rules" (like how people have to stop at the red light without questioning why it has to be RED but not PURPLE??) Hooh boy, I was wrong!
  • These are things that I've realized that makes me fail to fix my mistakes.
  • First of all, different cultures would have completely different things to say.
    • Like saying "Good morning" is a just a normal greeting in american, right?
    • However, in Vietnam there's no such thing, we just simply say "Chào/Xin chào/Ê" and "Tạm biệt/bye/...", no matter what time is it.
    • And if you dare to say "Good morning" in vietnamese while it's raining cat and dogs, people would think you're mocking them or weird.
    • => When you learn a language, you learn OTHER'S language, not YOUR language.
    • In short,ADAPT to your target language, not just simply use it as a medium tool for communicating .Because even if I speak perfect language and make no grammar mistake, it doesn't mean what makes sense to me will make sense to the native speaker (and in reverse as well).
    • Hence, we'll just go full circle: learning language yet can't understand each other.
    • Second, when my mistakes got corrected without any comment, I tended to forget them. Why?
  • Because I didn't understand what misleading concept I made using those phrases.
    • Let's say: Study vs Learn (glad I figured this out before), if you just post a correction without any explanation, would you think a foreigner understand the differences between them?
  • Of course in MY language, we have one word for that concept, but that'd be terrible if I don't understand those concepts in English directly.
  • (like I've mentioned above).
    • => By understanding the meanings/ideas I delivered in each phrase, it makes me easier to memorize them and avoid misusing them again.
    • So instead of working like a machine: Wrong code ->try new one -> Correct Y/N -> Use it then spend countless times repeating words to burn them to my memory, I should have used my precious time to understand each phrases I'd written.
    • Only after that, I could start practising with each of them.
    • It's more efficiency and effective.
  • So, what do you think about this?
  • Criticisms are welcome.

Будь ласка, допоможіть відредагувати кожне речення! - English