
Сообщение от NguyenHoang0406 - English

    • How to avoid repeating the same mistake (or getting rid of bad

    • One thing that I've experienced in learning a language is it's really hard to break a habit after forming it.
    • For example: Before I started to take English serious again, I'd always pronounced "ship" like "sheep" without realizing it's a serious issue in pronunciation.
    • Now when I think about it again, many of my grammar mistakes were NOT made because of my lack of knowledge but worse: BAD HABIT.
    • I've kept using bad grammars for YEARS without anyone pointing it out (mostly because I use English on the Internet for my entertainment, not for education purpose).
  • For new learners, it's easy for them to learn new things because they didn't have anything to make them confused.
    • Hence.it's easier for them to form new good habits.
    • But for intermediate learner, getting rid of the bad ones is annoying.
  • I have to balance out between "using language naturally" and "be extremely careful with what I have to say".
    • Has anyone experienced the same thing like this?
    • If you could, please be specific (maybe you could write it down steps by steps,please?) about how you managed to overcome this obstacle and reach new level of fluency.Thanks a lot!

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